Monday, June 30, 2008

Modest is HOTTEST!

LITERALLY, We live in Hawaii and it is the middle of the summer but my little girl Kali REFUSES to wear anything that does not go over her knees. Luckily my mom had sent us a couple of outfits and grandma Tami sent us a couple of outfits that are capri's and leggings so that is ALL she will wear. Her wardrobe consists of dozens of adorable skirts that she will NOT wear, because she says, "they are bothering me" as she tugs at them trying to get them below her knees. She pretty much has five outfits that she will wear and two of them are long sleeve shirts. I am not sure what is going on but I am pretty sure it has something to do with when my mom was here visiting for the birth of Krew, she must have given her a modesty lesson or brain washed her or something:) Just kidding mom:) Any who, I guess it is fine she is learning modesty at a young age and she hasn't died of heat stroke yet, so we are good:) I guess it is time to go on a shopping spree for tons of capri's, I can't do laundry fast enough to keep up with ONLY wanting to wear these same clothes and she freaks out if I even suggest something else. HOW DARE I.


Tomfam7 said...

Hey Shanae, check out our new blog

We finally switched to a format that works! I can't figure out how to invite peeps though and I can't figure out how to add you to ours, so maybe you can give me the scoop!
And if it's any consolation, the only things Calee will wear are her long sleeve shirts, pants or swimsuits. What's up with our girls?!

Love ya,

Keiko said...

Speaking of capri's, Fiona doesn't have enough shorts for this summer. I realized her long pants from the winter are not gonna last till next winter. She grows so fast. So, I just decided to cut them and make some capri's, knee length shorts, and knee length skirt. She doesn't make a mess anymore that pants looks pretty new and I didn't want to get rid of it.

Anonymous said...

how funny!! you're title made me laugh out loud!

Kim's just sayin' said...

gosh that's cute. Better to have her fighting for modesty than not right?!?! Remember that lil tiny tank top she'd always want to wear? That girl is just so cute no matter what she wears.