Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Hoodlums

Krew and Kali looked so cute in their hoods I had to get a picture and Krew was quite the little stud in his little suit Grandma Wood got for him, it is a six month suit and he is only 2 1/2 months old. He is a big boy, makes daddy proud!!:) So Kali and Krew are so adorable together!! Every time Kali gives Krew attention and talks to him he smiles or giggles, he loves her! Every morning when Krew wakes up to eat at about 5:30 am he is such a happy boy, that is kind of my time with him while Kali is still asleep and he smiles and laughs for me, I LOVE IT! Heavenly Father knew exactly what I needed in my second child, one who is content just hanging out and is always happy and smiley and giggles, he brightens my day and I love him so much. He reminds me daily of Heavenly Fathers love for me. I have to be honest, these last two months have been really rough for me, I have been struggling getting use to the whole two kids thing, but lately when Krew laughs and coo's it makes it all worth it for me. A few things about Kali, she is such a smart little girl, she can count to 10 by her self and she is working on 11 - 20 but still needs some assistance. She can say her whole alphabet by herself and she loves to sing all of her primary songs and she loves to read books. She wants to go to the play ground any chance that she gets and has Aaron's dare devil personality, I can never push her high enough on the swings and she even shows me that she can let go while she is swinging. She is not afraid of heights and she wants to jump off of everything. She is even brave in the ocean and will put her head under all by herself. When she comes up she says, "I saw fishes and mermaids." Today she was showing me how fast she could peddle on her bike and I was having to run to keep up with her. When ever I am upset with her or she is getting in trouble she always says, "be happy, Mom." Which makes me want to laugh and makes me less angry.:) Last night Kali was supposed to be in bed asleep but instead I see this little person out of the corner of my eye and Kali comes up to me and says, "Mom, my toenail polish is all gone." She wanted me to repaint them so she could go to sleep, HA HA!! She has so much energy ALL THE TIME, but it is fun and she makes me laugh all the time with her cute stories and her fake talking on her cell phone.


Molly Bea said...

I'm constantly amazing to hear that there is someone out there (you) going through such similar times as me! I love it. I think Kali and Jayden should get together, it sounds like they have a lot in common...good and those things that keep us on our toes! :) I'm still learning my second's personality, but already a better sleeper..amazing how different and both so wonderful!

Noelle said...

I can't stand it/love it when you're trying to be disciplinary and they do something to make you laugh! It sounds like you're doing better. I'm so happy that Krew is doing so good. He really is a big boy and Aaron has every right to be proud!

gina said...

It's amazing that our Heavenly Fathe knows what we can handle and what we can't. Emery is perfect! She is so easy compared to Jace. I'm pretty sure I'd be in a loony bin if she was any other way! I'm very blessed! I wish we lived closer so I could hang out with you and your darlings!

Melissa said...

awww so cute!
and when did Krew get so bib!?

Melissa said...

haha i mean big!!